
What to look for on the Nutrition Facts Table to help you make informed food choices.

Percent Daily Value (% DV) Meter
Percent Daily Value Meter

Using food labels can help you compare and choose packaged food products so you can make an informed choice. Check out our top 3 tips to discover more about using the Nutrition Facts Table and how to make an informed food choice.

  1. Look at the amount of food

    All the information in the Nutrition Facts table is based on the stated amount, also called the serving size. Compare the serving size shown on the label to the amount of food you would typically eat. For example, if the serving size listed is 1 cup and you eat 2 cups, double all of the amounts listed. If you’re reading the Nutrition Facts Table to decide between different foods, make sure you’re comparing the calories and nutrients for the same amounts of food.

  2. Use Percent Daily Value (% DV)

    Check the % DV to see if a food has a little (5% DV or less) or a lot (15% DV or more) of a nutrient. The % DV is meant to act as a benchmark to determine if that food is high or low in a certain nutrient. In this image, the food contains a little calcium (2% DV) and a lot of sugars (22% DV).
  1. Choose better for you foods
    • MORE Fibre, Protein, Calcium and Vitamin D
    • LESS Saturated+Trans Fat, Sugars and Sodium

Did you know?

Dietitians are available to help you with reading labels, balancing nutrients for your recommended intakes, and providing cooking / meal prep ideas. Questions? Connect with us!

Ask your employer if your benefits cover a dietitian’s services.

     Source: Health Canada and Dietitians of Canada